Doctor Signup
Enter your name, phone number, contact address, email id, and your clinic or hospital info.
Update Profile
Fill in details about yourself, such as specialization, experience, fees and timings
Setup Portal
Auto Setup health portal to manage and grow your practice and provide online consultation to patients.
Consult Patient
Start consulting patients using our doctors portal and provider app.
Automated AI
Healthcare system designed for hospitals
Identify and diagnosis common illnesses, consultaions about new symptoms and chronic diseases management ,triage for injuries or acute illness symptoms, and mental health therapy. If you travel or live in a rural area, mediquince doctors are just one call away. When care is convenient.
A person could be at home, in their workplace or traveling and have a telehealth visit. People without easy access to transportation and those who live in rural areas with few healthcare providers will have better access to care through telehealth services.
Automated AI empowers us to create better patient experiences and improved health outcomes. The AI assists doctors in diagnosing and treating patients, provides easy access to patient's health records and improves the whole patient experience. AI algorithm helps doctors find medicines, advise patients, and devise treatment plans. AI automation also enables people living in rural areas to access quality and specialised healthcare. AI brings healthcare to people's doorstep and provides 24/7 accessible healthcare

Consult doctors 24*7 from anywhere and at any time. Skip the rush hour and long queues and schedule an OP session as per your convenience.
Mediquince provides stress-free booking. You can use My Calendar to schedule your appointment for an audio/video call.
Fully private and secure online consultations. You can start the consultation at the scheduled time and keep track of your appointment with our on-time queue facility.
Finish the check-up and get a valid digital prescription and medicine reminders.

Medical Software With Well Connected Cloud Service
We provide robust software solutions that enable hospitals to create an exceptional patient experience. Our software is well-connected with the cloud. It offers a smooth appointment scheduling process, shorter queues and less waiting time. It also enables doctors to customize treatment setup and medical records. In addition, you can easily store information in a secured cloud database with the automated backup.
- Add unlimitted patients, employees, and doctors.
- Create Medical Invoices, Discharge summary.
- Enable/Disable Online booking, payment, bed admission.
- Customize treatment setup, medical records.
- Secured cloud database, automated backup.

Token based door step consulting.
Whether finding a new doctor or getting a second opinion, Mediquince makes it very convenient and easy. The token-based consulting results in less waiting time and no hassles. The doctors are available 24*7 to advise you on various health concerns and provide one-to-one support. Mediquince is committed to making this process smooth and seamless.
What Doctors Say?

• Mediquince is a robust platform that has been instrumental in helping me connect with patients virtually. I have advised patients from various parts of India on various dental issues.

Mediquince has opened many opportunities for me. It has offered me a platform to serve more and more patients by providing online consultations to patients. It is very user-friendly and delivers a better patient experience.